SmartRoom VDR
Support: Frequently Asked Questions
About SmartRoom:
01. What is SmartRoom?
02. What Functionality Does the System Provide?
03. How easy is it to access your web-platform?
04. What are the system requirements to access the SmartRoom?
05. Who controls the deal?
06. What information about me do you keep on file? Who owns that, what else do they do with it?
07. How can I be assured that my e-mail address or other information isn’t going to be sold to spammers?
08. How secure is the site?
09. How many times can I change my password?
Accessing SmartRoom:
10. Can I log in with my username and password on another computer?
11. Can someone else log in with my username and password on another computer? Could this be traced somehow?
12. How do I get access to a deal?
13. I received an invitation with username & password, but I’m getting an error message when I try to login. Why?
14. I forgot my password. What do I do?
15. I haven't received any emails, and I was supposed to be invited to a deal. What’s wrong?
16. I can’t access the URL from my email invitation. Why not?
17. If I have multiple deals, can I use the same password for all of them?
Using SmartRoom:
18. How do I get to the documents?
19. Is there an online help function?
20. How do I remove a document?
21. Can I upload multiple documents?
22. How can I invite another user?
Asia: 852 800-930-643
Brazil: 0800 722 0545
Europe: 00 800 3325 7666
Japan: 0120 974 858
North America: 1 877 332 5739